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We’ve had so many amazing events at Newport over the past few months, and we’re looking forward to many more. Here are some highlights of what the Newport kids have been up to as of late:

Dr. Seuss Spirit Week

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In late February/early March, we celebrated the life and works of Dr. Seuss with Dr. Seuss Spirit Week. We wore crazy socks to read Fox in Socks, donned our wildest hats for The Cat In the Hat, horrified the fashion police on Wacky Tacky Wednesday, hosted a book-reading event and book fair for Read Across America Day, and finished off our week with Pajama Day and more Seuss readings. Our kids were able to take part in a number of Seuss-related activities all week long, as well as hear all the classic Seuss stories and further develop their love of books and reading. One of our good friends from the local library also dropped by in her Cat in the Hat costume, which the kids really enjoyed. All in all, a great week full of fun, reading, and creative fashion choices!

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St. Patrick’s Day

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On March 17th, we came to school in our finest green clothes and celebrated St. Paddy’s Day with a party and a Leprechaun Hunt. (No leprechauns were harmed during the course of this hunt!) The kids dug their hands into green-colored goo, followed leprechaun footprints to a pot of gold (full of green beads rather than actual gold, sadly), and enjoyed a variety of other emerald-tinted games and activities.


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In honor of the upcoming Easter holiday, we were visited by the Easter Bunny! The kids all had an opportunity to have their pictures taken with him, after which they took part in an egg hunt in their classrooms. The Easter Bunny even stuck around to visit with the kids after the egg hunt was done, giving them enthusiastic high fives and posing for group pictures.

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Some of our kids weren’t so sure how they felt about the very tall bunny in their presence, but they all still spent the rest of the afternoon talking about his visit and wondering where he would be going next. We’re not sure, but we can’t wait to see him again next year!


Newport will be closed on Good Friday, but after the holiday, we’re looking forward to such fun events as Earth Day Flower-Planting, Cinco de Mayo, Muffins for Moms, and Mom and Me Craft Night. Stay tuned to this blog for more on these and many more exciting events!

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