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Space Week

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Space week provided out-of-this-world adventures and learning opportunities for our young students.

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We explored the Solar system and universe with art projects, science experiments, and scavenger hunts.


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Newport celebrated its newest class of graduates headed to Kindergarten this Fall. Twenty-seven students graduated from our Pre-K program this year.

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This year was especially exciting because some of those graduates started at Newport as toddlers.

Newport Community Week

Pink room students and teachers dressed up like Mr. Sears!
Pink room students and teachers dressed up like Mr. Sears!

There’s no place like home! Newport Community Week provided a chance for us to explore our school and the people that shape our daily experiences. Whether we were celebrating family alma maters, cheering for favorite sports teams, or sharing family traditions, we got to celebrate the unique identities and experiences of our school community, teachers and families, alike.

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