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We’re 100 days smarter this school year!

Wow how the time has passed this year! It feels like only yesterday it was our first day of the new school year on September 7th. Flash forward to today and our students have come a long way! To commemorate this enormous achievement, preschool, Pre-K, and Kindergarten classrooms invited their students to dress like they were “100 years old” and played around with fun apps that show what each child would like like when they’re 100! They also had activities involving 100 things such as beads, cups, movements, “gumballs,” and a race to 100 game!

Green Preschool leaned into the celebration! Since their kiddos missed the pajama day before the holidays, why not make it up on the 100th Day of School!? What better way to celebrate being 100 days smarter than by taking it easy and having fun all morning? Kids were invited to come to school in pajamas and they had a party, which included a table fort, sensory bin fun, 100 Days hat decoration, and… a BOUNCE HOUSE in their classroom (which was their prize for having the favorite pumpkin at Halloween). It was quite a fun time!

Green Preschool students discovering their room had transformed!

We’re over halfway done with our school year, but we can count on the second half being just as great, if not better, than the first half! We can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.

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